Family Rosaceae (ro-ZAY-see-ee) Genus Spiraea (spy-REE-ah) Species cantoniensis (kan-toe-nee-EN-sis) Synonym Reeves Spirea, Double Reeves
Category Shrubs Height 4-6 ft. Spacing 6-8 ft. Sun Exposure Full Sun to Partial Shade Bloom Color White Bloom Time Late Winter-Mid Spring Foliage Deciduous, Smooth-Textured
Hardiness Zone 6a to -10 F Zone 6b to -5 F Zone 7a to 0 F Zone 7b to 5 F
Zone 8a to 10 F Zone 8b to 15 F Zone 9a to 20 Zone 9b to 25
Soil pH Requirements 6.6 to 7.5 (neutral)
Water Requirements Average water needs Drought tolerant once established
Pruning Instructions Pruning not necessary Prune lightly if needed to shape
Propagation Methods By dividing the root-ball From woody stem cuttings By simple layering or mound layering
Seed Collecting N/A: plant does not set seed; flowers are sterile
Other Details Attractive to bees, butterflies, and birds