Family Rosaceae (ro-ZAY-see-ee) Genus Rosa (RO-zuh) Cultivar Pink Drift Cultivar Information aka Meijocos, Hybridized by Meilland; 2006
Class Single Bloom Trailing Rose Height 12-18 in. Spacing 2-3 ft. Sun Exposure Full Sun Bloom Color Medium Pink Bloom Time Blooms Repeatedly Foliage Evergreen, Semi-Glossy, Dark Green
Hardiness Zone 6a to -10 F Zone 6b to -5 F Zone 7a to 0 F Zone 7b to 5 F
Zone 8a to 10 F Zone 8b to 15 F Zone 9a to 20 F Zone 9b to 25 F
Soil pH Requirements 5.6 to 6.0 (acidic) 6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic)
Water Requirements Average water needs
Pruning Instructions Avoid pruning
Propagation Methods From softwood cuttings, semi-hardwood cuttings From hardwood cuttings By budding or grafting
Patent Information Patented
Other Details Resistant to black spots, mildew, and rust Trailing growth habit Flowers are slightly fragrant
Freezing Temps by Year: 2009-2010 Year: Freezing temps 12/09 & 01/10 * moderate winter 2010-2011 Year: Freezing temps 01/11 & 02/11 * moderate winter 2011/2012 Year: Freezing temps 12/11 & 01/12 * mild winter 2012/2013 Year: Freezing temps 12/12 & 01/13 * very mild winter