Family Plumbaginaceae (plum-baj-i-NAY-see-ee) Genus Plumbago (plum-BAY-go) Species auriculata (aw-rik-yoo-LAY-tuh) Also Known asPlumbago capensis, Cape Leadwort
Category Tropicals & Tender Perennials Height 3-10 ft. Spacing 2-8 ft. Sun Exposure Sun to Partial Shade Bloom Color Light Blue, White Bloom Time Blooms Repeatedly Foliage Evergreen, will lose leaves with frost
Hardiness Zone 8a to 10 F Zone 8b to 15 F Zone 9a to 20 F Zone 9b to 25 F
Soil pH Requirements 6.1 to 6.5 (Mildly Acidic)
Water Requirements Drought Tolerant-Suitable for xeriscaping
Pruning Instructions Pruning not necessary
Propagation Methods By dividing the root ball From semi-hardwood cuttings
Seed Collecting Unknown Other Details Attractive to bees, butterflies, and birds Plant is poisonous if ingested This plant is resistant to deer
Freezing Temps by Year: 2009-2010 Year: Freezing temps 12/09 & 01/10 * moderate winter 2010-2011 Year: Freezing temps 01/11 & 02/11 * moderate winter 2011/2012 Year: Freezing temps 12/11 & 01/12 * mild winter 2012/2013 Year: Freezing temps 12/12 & 01/13 * very mild winter