Family Malpighiaceae () Genus Galphimia (gal-FIM-ee-uh) Species glauca (GLAW-kuh) Synonym Thyrallis glauca Also Known As Golden Thyrallis, Golden Shower, Rain of Gold
Category Tender Perennials, Shrubs Height 4-6 ft. Spacing 4-6 ft. Sun Exposure Full Sun, Sun to Partial Shade Bloom Color Bright Yellow Bloom Time Mid Summer/Late Fall Foliage Semi-Evergreen, Will Lose Leaves/Brown with Frost
Hardiness Zone 8b to 15 F Zone 9a to 20 F Zone 9b to 25 F
Soil pH Requirements 6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic) 6.6 to 7.5 (neutral) 7.6 to 7.8 (mildly alkaline)
Water Requirements Drought tolerant once established
Pruning Instructions Prune if desired to keep from getting leggy
Propagation Methods From semi-hardwood cuttings
Seed collecting: Allow pods to dry on plant; break open to collect seeds
Other Details Attractive to bees, butterflies, and birds Blooms last only 1 day Grows on old wood
Freezing Temps by Year: 2009-2010 Year: Freezing temps 12/09 & 01/10 * moderate winter 2010-2011 Year: Freezing temps 01/11 & 02/11 * moderate winter 2011/2012 Year: Freezing temps 12/11 & 01/12 * mild winter 2012/2013 Year: Freezing temps 12/12 & 01/13 * very mild winter